Saturday, December 15, 2007

Can You Believe It....Snow in Tirana???

Can you believe it was snowing tonight in Tirana. We went to Saturday night church and stopped to eat a bowl of soup and coming out of the restaurant....there as big as you please, the snowflakes were falling. It was another case of never go out the door without your camera. I was so glad I had my camera. Vera said that it has been 10 years since there has been snow in Tirana. I know it is suppose to be snowing today in Illinois and this is nothing in comparison to six inches, but it was extra special to be walking down the street with the snowflakes falling all around. It made home seem not so far away.


Amela said...

Oh wow. I'm from Tirana and I was just checking to see if they posted any pics with actual snow in the city! I'm going on the 26th of Dec for the first time in 11 years, so yeah I'm excited ;)

Cydil said...

Wow! You got snow before we did in KY!

Unknown said...

I remember going up the mountain outside of Tirana and people driving the other direction (downward) with snow on their windshields. They had stolen the snow from the mountain and I guess they wanted to either sell it or snowball their neighbor in Tirana. This time, they didn't have to make the trip!

That's great David and Sarah

-Jesse and Sarah Joyner